About us

About us The polytechnic school of abomey-calavi, formerly named Tertiary Polytechnic Schoool was established on October 8, 1977 thanks to the support of Canada by the decree 77-237, then renamed by the decree n° 2005-078 of February 25, 2005. The polytechnic school of abomey-calavi has committed itself to train for Professional Bachelor’s degree, Design Engineer’s degree and Master’s degree, in the industrial and biological sectors. However ever, there is also a capacity building program for private and public companies staff wishing to upgrading their knowledges. The school of Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Engineering- (CoE-EIE) aspires to be a leading center in industrial engineering in Africa aiming at conducting innovative research work and providing training and consulting services as well. It intends to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals while training human resources with professinal skills. .

Our Missions

The CoE-EIE's missions are:

  •   To train design engineer, master and PhD students in the fields of energy, transport and environment ;
  •   To conduct scientific and technological research work ;
  •   To privide consulting service for the community;
  •   To disseminate research achievement ;
  •    To strenghten the capacity of private and public instution staff in the relevent field.


CoE-EIE offers full time and part time graduate courses . Regarding the graduate courses, two diplomas are offered :

  •   Master degree ;
  •   The diploma of Design Engineer equivalent to Master’s degree .

There is also a possibility to undertake a PhD research work in collaboration with the doctoral schools of the University of Abomey-Calavi.

  •   Master’s degree(120 credits are required ) ;
  •   The diploma of Design Engineer equivalent to Master’s degree (300 credist are required).